Stephan Schöffel wrote:
hi there,

i'm new to unionfs and have to evaluate it for work. i'm not quite sure how to begin or even how to install unionfs. on i found a tarball containing version 1.4. alternatively, i downloaded a version 2.x as well using git and the instructions on the website.

is there a way to compile the 2.x version as a kernel module as there is for 1.4, since i'm not very familiar with kernel compilation.

any hints on how to proceed are welcome.


It is actually not that difficult.

The usual way to do it is:

1. download the appropriate kernel tarball that matches the release version of unionfs

2. untar the kernel in a suitable directory (it does NOT have to be root).

3. download the unionfs into the same base directory that you put the kernel directory in, and decompress.

4. The unionfs code is formatted as a patch to the kernel source, so you add the unionfs to the kernel using patch. I set my working directory to the kernel starting point and
  use "patch -p1 <../unionfs-for-...".

5. Obtain the kernel .config file for the base configuration of your system. This file
  can be found for recent kernel versions in /boot/config-<version>.

6. I do a "make xconfig" (but a make menuconfig can also work) and examine the options. You will have to add unionfs to the build (I recommend a loadable module). You will find this option under "layered filesystems", with two suboptions - "unionfs extended attributes" and "debug unionfs". In my case, I have "union file system"
  set for module ,and both suboptions set to yes/enabled.

7. Then I can do a "make". If no errors occur (they usually don't), then a "make modules".
  the system is now configured for installation.

8. since my system is a red hat/centos (I don't know if the same applies to other distributions, but I think it does), I can now install the system by "su root" which will not change the working directory, and then do a "make install" followed by "make modules_install". The Kernel make file structure knows how to build an initrd, and update the /boot/grub/grub.conf files. Note: the new system is NOT made the default.

9. When you reboot the system you have to select the kernel to boot - I
have found that the kernel makefile always makes the new system the first one in the

10. After reboot, you can setup your tests. I have been putting all the mounts in /mnt.

For my testing, I created three directories: /mnt/a, /mnt/b and /mnt/c. Since I am also testing the odf format for use with NFS exporting the union, I also have a loopback mount for the odf filesystem (still testing, I don't have a good recomendation for this filesystem yet).

I mount the union of a and b onto c (using the odf filesystem) by:

       mount -t unionfs -odirs=/mnt/a=rw:/mnt/b=ro/odf=/odffs none /mnt/c

This makes the /mnt/b directory a read only branch. The /mnt/a directory is where files go when they are created in the /mnt/c unionfs mountpoint. If I put a file in /mnt/a (say, /mnt/a/readwrite) and a file in /mnt/b (such as /mnt/b/readonly) and put some random data in there, then both files will show up in /mnt/c. If I attempt to update the file /mnt/c/readonly, the unionfs will copy the file from /mnt/b to /mnt/a, and then allow me to update that copy. The original /mnt/b/readonly remains

The odf filesystem records my basic configuration of the mount. If I have a subsequent mount with the odf filesystem then I do not need to specify the /mnt/a and /mnt/b
branches of the union. I can just do:

      mount -t unionfs -oodf=/odffs none /mnt/c

I don't even need to use the same target mount - If I do the same as:

      mount -t unionfs -oodf=/odffs none /mnt/d

then I get a union mount of /mnt/a and /mnt/b on a mountpoint /mnt/d. Note: you can't use the same odf filesystem for two different targets at the same time... Using the
odf also allows me to export the target via NFS.

My goal is to support migrating from one network attached storage system to another. unionfs should allow this by having a server system between the network storage units and the client systems. The /mnt/a (the read write directory) represents the NAS unit. The /mnt/b (the readonly directory) represents the old NAS. This gives the NFS client systems the appearance of an expanded storage system without removing the old NAS. My plan is to gradually move files from the old NAS to the new one while users are also updating their files during normal work. Because unionfs will automatically copy
files opened for write/update, I only need to move really old files.

One tacky way to do it is just "find /mnt/c -depth -exec touch '{}' ';'".... This however, updates all file dates to the current time (not necessarily the best thing).
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