Jesse I Pollard schrieb:
Stephan Schöffel wrote:
hi there,

i'm still new to unionfs. i followed the tutorial on this website which was linked at the unionfs website.

the example did work but it does not fit my problem properly. i tries different things but could not get it to work the way i want.

here is what i want:

i want (via script and using unionfs) to bring different directories to their original state if the machine is rebooted. eg i want to delete files users write to /tmp
i used the following approach:

modprobe unionfs
mkdir /tmp_union
mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/tmp=rw unionfs /tmp_union
mkdir /tmp_snap

unionctl /tmp_union --add --mode rw /tmp_snap
unionctl --mode ro /tmp

unfortunately, users can still write to /tmp and the changes are not logged in /tmp_snap. is there a way to bring /tmp back to its original state by using unionfs?
I'm going out on limb, but what you want depends on other things:

1. do you use a disk based filesystem for /tmp?
2. do you need large amount of space for /tmp?

One reason for these questions is that you COULD use a ramfs for /tmp. On every
reboot, ram is cleared.

Aternative to ramfs or unionfs:

If a resident disk based filesystem is required, then just mkfs that filesystem
before mounting it. An /etc/rc script with something like:

mkfs /dev/hda6
mount /dev/hda6 /tmp

Even if you do want to use a unionfs, you will have to mount that union on /tmp
to prevent users from accessing the underlying filesystem:

1. mount the scratch filesystem somewhere users cant directly get to it, such as
  and make /var/scratch only accessable to root.

2. The readonly FS underlying scratch must be mounted somewhere users can't get to

3. Mount the unionfs thus:

mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/var/scratch/tmp_snap=rw:/var/scratch/tmp=ro none /tmp

4. and on every boot you still have to erase the tmp_snap.

Personally, I think you need either the ramfs or the non-unionfs version.

i tried as you recommended, unffortunately without success. i was able to do the mount but then i would not be able to write files to tmp as a user anymore.

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