Hello guys,

I havent seen any reply on this subject.

Any RTFM pointers will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

John Nielsen

> To: unionfs@mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
> Subject: ldconfig and unionfs?
> Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 18:16:35 +0100
> Hello list,
> I am having a small problem with unionfs-2.2.3 for linux-2.6.24. I have 
> witnessed this problem ever since the unionfs-2.0 days.
> When using the 'ldconfig' command from within a unionfs/chroot enviroment, I 
> get a ton of the following output:
> ===== CUT =====
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_unit_test_framework-gcc42-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is 
> not a symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_serialization-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_iostreams-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_graph-gcc42-mt-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_python-gcc42-mt-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_wave-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc42-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_signals-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_graph-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a symbolic 
> link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_unit_test_framework-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is 
> not a symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_graph-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a symbolic 
> link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_prg_exec_monitor-gcc42-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not 
> a symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_filesystem-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_wave-gcc42-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a symbolic 
> link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_wave-gcc42-mt-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_filesystem-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_signals-gcc42-mt-d-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_serialization-gcc42-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ldconfig: /usr/lib/libboost_iostreams-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 is not a 
> symbolic link
> ===== CUT =====
> When I chroot directly to the second root filesystem without using unionfs, 
> 'ldconfig' behaves as expected without any output.
> This is how I mount unionfs:
> mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/root/pkg:/mnt/serenity=ro unionfs /root/union
> /root/pkg is an empty folder.
> /mnt/serenity is the root of the second distribution I use.
> /root/union is the target I chroot to.
> Erez: I don't know if this is any help, but you helped me fix another 
> unrelated unionfs problem a while back by remote accessing my old laptop, so 
> you should be at least somewhat familiar with my setup.
> I didnt report this before because nothing is actually broken, but according 
> to 'ldconfig' there is definetely a difference between a filesystem with and 
> without unionfs and I dont understand why.
> Have anyone else seen this behavior before?
> Kind regards,
> John Nielsen
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