
 I don't use ubuntu, but compiling the kernel is always possible :)

 I think ubuntu has linux-source:

# apt-get install linux-source-2.6 kernel-package build-essential 
# cd  /usr/src/
get the unionfs from http://download.filesystems.org/unionfs/unionfs-2.x/
# tar xvjf linux-source*
# cd linux-source
# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
# zcat unionfs-version.diff.gz | patch -p1
# make-kpkg --revision-1 --append-to-version=mykerne1 kernel_image 
#  dpkg -i linux-image-your_new_kernel_version.deb

Fernando Gomes

On Saturday 01 March 2008, Fernando A. P. Gomes wrote:
> Hi,
>  I think unionfs 1.4 is deprecated. Can you try  unionfs 2.2.4
> (http://download.filesystems.org/unionfs/unionfs-2.x/)?
> Regards,
> Fernando Gomes
> On Saturday 01 March 2008, Serge SMEESTERS wrote:
> > First Hi !
> >
> > (My first language is french ;)
> >
> > I'm new here... Thanks for unionfs, great tools !
> >
> > I have a "server" sharing multi contents of many hd (4 or 5). I don't
> > want to use lvm or raide systeme. I've got my reason ;) principally no
> > time to handle...
> > So, unionfs i fine for me !.. Juste what I want :)
> > Moving file on same directory structure on each hd is quick and easy for
> > me
> >
> > :) Then, I'm using nfs but unionfs directory cannot be share using nfs :/
> >
> > "No problem", unionfs is done on clients ;)
> >
> > All work fine, even writing files... Cool !
> >
> > But some time a problem, freezing all access on client :(
> >
> > The event here was renaming file.
> >
> > Joined the dmesg output.
> >
> > I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy and actually :
> > unionfs-tools=1.4+debian-6
> > linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic=2.6.22-14.52
> >
> > Maybe you can look at this and find some bug to correct... I don't
> > know...
> >
> > Friendly,
> > Serge.
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