
I'm currently evaluating unionfs for a project and ran into a problem with 
renaming sub-direcotries in a read-only directory of a branch if these 
directories contain any files (or other directories)

following configuration:
- mount -v -t unionfs -o dirs=/branch_rw=rw:/branch_ro=ro none /union
- kernel 2.6.24 + unionfs 2.2.3
- Using a Windows Client via Samba to access /union

I can rename a sub-directory in a read-only directory if it does not contain 
any files or with if I remove the files before renaming the directory.

mkdir -p /branch_ro/dir1/dir2
touch /branch_ro/dir1/dir2/file1
touch /branch_ro/dir1/dir2/file2
touch /branch_ro/dir1/dir2/file3

If I try to rename the directory dir2 to dir2.new I get an error 'permission 
denied' (The directory and files were created by the same user)

If I remove the files file1, file2 and file3 and rename the directory dir2 
afterwards it works just fine.

any help is appreciated

As I've not subscribed to the list please send a CC to my e-mail address


** Besuchen Sie uns auf dem LinuxTag vom 28.-31. Mai 2008 in Berlin **

Andreas Büsching   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Entwicklung        Linux for Your Business
Univention GmbH    http://www.univention.de/     fax: +49 421 22 232-99

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