I have downloaded kernel 2.6.25-git11, which is a snapshot dated
27th April. I got this as it seems to have many bugfixes from
the 2.6.25 release on the 17th.
I do not believe that 2.6.25-git11 is bugfixes for 2.6.25. Rather, it is
the beginnings of 2.6.26. As a result, it is likely to be less stable
and (as you found out) have interface changes.

No, the kernel.org site has this:

The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:       2.6.25  2008-04-17
03:15 UTC
The latest snapshot for the stable Linux kernel tree is:        2.6.25-git11
        2008-04-27 19:01 UTC

They are stating that it is a snapshot of the latest stable kernel tree,
which implies that this is progressing toward version

I know that it what it says. Based on what it says, assuming it is progressing toward is the obvious conclusion.

However, that has not been my experience. For example 2.6.24-git* was progressing toward 2.6.25-rc1 not If you look at the dates on the patch files in <http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/snapshots/> you will see that the date of 2.6.25-rc1 is one day after 2.6.24-git22. In addition, the 2.6.25-git* changelog contains some changes that appear to be new features not bug fixes.
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