Luiz Fernando N. Capitulino wrote:
| >  Casey, I'm afraid that only Erez (unionfs maintainer)
| > can answer you here but it seems that he's away or
| > something.
| >
| >  His last message on unionfs ML dates about one month
| > back.
| >
| >  :(
| Ok. Here's a temporary patch that makes everything except looking at
| the Smack label work properly. I haven't signed it off because I
| don't think it's ready for prime-time, but if the problem is holding
| anyone up it will allow them to proceed.

 Passed basic tests.

 Does the problem with the Smack label only happen for unionfs

Unionfs is the only case were I've seen this problem,
but of course seeing it here leads me to think I really
ought to be looking hard for issues like this. I fear
that there may be locking or other behaviors that have
undesired consequences in nested file systems that I
honestly haven't gotten to trying.

Thank you.



Casey Schaufler

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