Good morning !

(my English is not very good ; natural French)

I like unionfs :) for sometime using it as experiences... because
always I finish to found some bad issues :(

I'm disappointed about multiplicity of "unionfs like" projects...

At this moment, I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 GNU/Linux system.
In packages, I found both, unionfs-fuse and mhddfs... Witch one has
the better chance to be "stable" ?
Is it a problem using fuse ? ... I need something working with
/etc/fstab for root..., so, fuse is not needed for me, I think... But
it seem to be working in fstab... But maybe less stable because of
that (using fuse) ?

For a kernel "module"(? without fuse) UnionFS in Ubuntu 9.04, should I
compile myself the kernel ('never do that...) ?

Also, I found on Wikipedia, that they're a third one project, aufs ! Waw...

Please stop your multiplicity and work together :)
Witch project is really "perennial" ?

Last version seem to be 2.5.2 dating of 2.6.18
Is it that ? What is the release date ?
I suggest adding release date in the table...

Russian !
Waw... but in Ubuntu 9.04 packages... I don't understand nothing :/
But about package description (apt-cache show), I see
file system for unifying several mount points into one
« This FUSE-based file system allows mount points (or directories) to be
 combined, simulating a single big volume which can merge several hard
 drives or remote file systems. It is like unionfs, but can choose the
 drive with the most free space to create new files on, and can move
 data transparently between drives. »
So, for the balancing aptitude, I try this one actually...
I've got some problem reading file true nfs... and also, the mount
directory don't appear on the server machine :/ ?
But probably is not her the good place to report bug...

I don't understand the note2: « aufs2-base were temporary trasition
releases and are NOT maintained either. »
What this would mean ?

Please, if you can, clarify the situation about different software
"union fs" solutions...

And more important : thanks for your nice job ! because "union fs" is
really a good idea and useful :)

Serge S.

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