I agree.

If you want a pretty house - make it pretty.

If you want a pretty neighborhood - pick up the trash laying about or 
sweep the sidewalks, ask people not to urinate wherever they happen to be 
standing, plant flowers, etc.

If you are too poor to fix your property up at all but can afford to own 
it - so be it - that should be your right.

If you are too poor to fix your property up but can afford to make it safe 
and habitable - so be it - that should be your right.  Should this make 
someone "sick" as one of the posters wrote about earlier?  That is just 
silly and snobbish.

If you want to paint your house chromakey green - so be it - that should 
be your right.  Do your neighbors have to like it?  No - that should their 

Should neighbors be able to implement laws that tell you you can't paint 
your house whatever color you want or put in whatever style of window you 
want?  I don't think so - and I think it is just silly for people to waste 
time on such things when there are such larger issues for UC - need I even 
outline them?  i.e. drug dealing, sexual assault, murder...

I am so glad I am not in the confines of the proposed area - yet it gives
me little comfort.  I have to wonder when these people who can't seem to
mind their own business turn their eyes on my block and start proposing
these types of changes.

I think it would be interesting to proposed the opposite of what this 
effort is trying to accomplish through the same channels - something 
explicitly stating that denizens of this area _can_ by law paint their 
houses whatever color they like, etc.

What happens, I guess, is that these people move in and fix up their own
properties - usually this means they have resources of time and money that
are at the very least uncommon to most who live here.  Once they have
finished their own properties they can't seem contain their energies so
they want all the surrounding houses to appear as their own.  You get a
few of these Martha Stewart archetypes together and this is the result.  
Either that or they are chiefly interested in seeing their investments
flourish but couch it purported goodwill for the community.  Not very
different in result from above except that in the first case the
motivation is a neurotic need to control their surroundings on an atypical
scale.  I don't know which is worse.  I think these people even delude
themselves into thinking their intentions are good regardless of the
driving factor.

I'm done.

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, R. Hotchkiss wrote:

> "Karen E. Heenan" wrote:
> >
> > urinating in and having sex in my alleyway.  I've spoken to the police
> > and the UCDistrict, and hopefully something will be done to remedy this
> > situation.  (Somehow this does not strike me as a suitable activity for
> > a historic district.  Do they do that in Society Hill?)
> >
> Yes.  I lived in queen village before moving to ucity. Public urinating was the
> #1 problem (prior to south st riots).  I did not buy in queen village because
> the queen village neighbors assoc. was too intrusive an organization (get the
> poor "element" out, don't paint you house that color, etc.).  I do not want that
> same type of intrusiveness in ucity. Ucity is and should remain, a diverse
> neighborhood in all ways.
> There is nothing wrong with having a safe but ugly house. Remember, beauty is in
> the eyes of the beholder.
> --
> Richard Hotchkiss
> http://www.hotstrings-inc.com
> ----
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