I agree that this listserve has been very informative for me. Yes, I'm quite
overwhelmed by the amount of traffic here, but I'm also learning a lot about
what's going on. I'm not sure how else I'd learn this.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Hotchkiss
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 3:57 PM
To: U-City list
Subject: Re: [UC] Unsubscribe

I'm on other lists that have much more traffic (and allow my misspellingz)
only once can I remember the monitor having to step in because it was
too personal, off topic and insulting.

I value all of the opinions I've read and I feel that we all should be able
speak freely about our community without being PC,  but with a sense of

I don't think we should be limited to one listing a day.

Also, there are ways to set your email software to send incoming e-mails to
specific folders......

Richard Hotchkiss

"S. Sharrieff Ali" wrote:

> Greeting to ALL:
> I suggest that we have Ed Schwartz monitor UC- list (if he
> would agree) for a while and give us his advise. Ed runs one
> of the most diverse and responsible list-servs around.
> I also would ask everyone on the Listserv to be patient and
> not create a mass exodus. We have broken many listserv
> rules/net-etiquette. I don't think beyond repair. I hope we can
> preserve what we have built here.
> I think there is an attempt by some at this point, to discredit
> the opinions of those whom they don't agree with by un-subscribing
> and creating a counter-listserv of a more exclusive nature. So in
> the future the opinions expressed in this forum will be likened to
> the Globe or National Inquirer.
> I find it humorous that many who have unsubscribed are those who
> in the past have used the Listserv for their own personal purposes
> against the "discussion" grain.
> All said, if used responsibly, this Listserv is a valuable community
> building tool. Lets hold on.
> S.
> ----
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