Title: Cleaning Responses, to date
Some of you have posted and asked for a summary of responses to my request for a reasonoble and reliable (and thorough) cleaning person.  Here they are in one posting.

Thanks Everyone,

Joe Clarke
4811 Beaumont Ave.

Hi Joe,

I have a wonderful cleaning lady that is looking for some more work.
Give me a call at home at (215)7297187 in the evenings.

Marielena Mata (Maty)
4627 Cedar Avenue

Hi Joe,  

I have a very reliable and reasonable house cleaner I could recommend.  She really is the best and the most trustworthy and thorough person we ever had.  She is also looking to pick up more hours.  She charges 15.00 an hour.  We usually have her stay for 3 hours.  She speaks Spanish and just a little English.  It hasn't been a problem for us but it might be difficult to initially speak to her on the phone.  If you are interested, I could bring her by on Saturday when she is finished with our house.  We live on 46th and Spruce.

My phone number is (215) 472-0667 or you can e-mail me.

Happy Holidays!
Mary Ellen

I will give your name to my cleaner - she also cooks and looks after people
- I really like her - her name is Alganesh and english language is not her
strongest - perhaps she will contact you. -
you need to send me your phone number so I can give it to
Lauren W. Leatherbarrow
517 Woodland Terrace
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 386-3905
Fax: (215) 386-0063

   I have a very thorough and trustworthy woman, Meraf Tesfanrim,
originally from Eritrea. She speaks English very well. Call me if you would
like to contact her. I'm not sure if she has any more openings, but it would
be worth checking.
           Jon Mourar, 215-472-2809

Q u o t e   o f   t h e   W e e k

"Instead of hating people you think are warmakers, hate the
appetites and disorder in your own soul, which are the causes
of war. If you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny,
hate greed - but hate these things in yourself, not in
                          - Thomas Merton--

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