Finally a topic we all can agree upon. :)

New Delhi - 

Excellent though they often have the same old thing, which can either be good or 
bad depending upon what you're looking for.  Ice cream/coffee is included although 
other beverages are not.  ND has a liquor license which is a notable difference
between it and Tandoor which is right around the corner.  
ND is very very popular and can therefore be very crowded during peak times.
ND also delivers, but recently when i called they told me that 46th
and baltimore was too far away (which is garbage considering the fact
that they deliver to center city).

Tandoor India -

Tandoor is on par with New Delhi in terms of price, quality and service.
Soft drinks are included at Tandoor (self-service) which i dont think
most people realize.  Desert and coffee/tea are not.  Tandoor (as the name implies)
has excellent Tandoori chicken.  It is the best i've ever had, at least
10x better than ND.  Tandoor is often less crowded than ND but can get
quite busy at certain times.  Tandoor also has natural lighting (skylight/window)
which is quite a contrast to the closed-in feel of ND.  The menu at Tandoor
is also much more likely to change often, and to include more variety
in the new items they serve.  

Sitar India -

I used to frequent Sitar India quite a deal when i first moved to UC.
The biggest drawback here is that this place is 3+ blocks away
from the 40th st. eating area.  I haven't eaten there in years
but the food was so-so.  Its definately not as large scale an operation
as either Tandoor or ND.


 Michael Jastremski  | Network Engineer
 Megaglobal Networks |
 Open Photo Project  |
 West Philadelphia   |

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