Ok, either we've become so close on this listserv that nothing is kept in
the dark, or we've gone too far in our attempts to communicate with each
other. Now I might have been left in the dark when the term "blogging" came
into existence- my spell checker doesn't even know what it is. But
seriously....is there a seriously?

Think about it.
Dan Myers
----- Original Message -----
From: "William H. Magill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Say Amen Somebody

> On Monday, September 22, 2003, at 09:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > For those truly interested in patterns of electronic discourse, we
> > have recently experienced a sort of net climax, with the Hack mail
> > reaching frightening proportions, a feverish pitch, going way over the
> > top, and culminating in disgusting personal attacks. This is known in
> > the discipline as a "flame hump".
> >
> > What happens next is that people nervously turn to what they imagine
> > are the basic concerns of "the list" -- who can I use to do my
> > hardwood floors, clean my storm drains, shine my shoes, etc. This
> > tends to be followed by a "post-flame hump" where the really motivated
> > ones try to get it up again and try for a second or "multiple"
> > climaxes.
> >
> > Next, the old ladies (and I use this term with all due respect,
> > figuratively, and with no disrepect particularly to Mr. Cass) start
> > gabbing about list netiquette. "WELL I NEVER. *Such* behavior! I saw
> > something nasty in the woodshed! (BTW if you can identify this last
> > syndrome I'll give you a free ticket to the 13-hour performance of
> > Satyagraha to be played out in front of emstern's house -- bonus
> > points if you can identify the composer of Satyagraha, 3 points if you
> > can name the three figures eulogized in the opera). IF THIS KEEPS UP
> > "meta-discussion", or "mennopause", which can also occur periodically
> > in minicycles during any stage of list discourse. In fact some
> > scholars insist that e-discourse follows with uncanny precision the
> > rhythms of the menstrual cycle.
> >
> > Then everybody shuts the bleep up and returns to their quilting,
> > whatever, until a new wave of hysteria is ready to climax in wan beeg
> > orgasmic hump.
> >
> > Ross Bender
> > http://rossbender.org
> Dear me, an academic dissertation blossoms when one least expects it...
> reminds me of Max, The Blue Meanie.
> This topic has fascinated scholars and provided fodder for Graduate
> Degrees in Sociology and Communications for many years now.
> For those who may doubt Ross's observations, I would direct you to a
> number of Theses, Dissertations, and Academic Presentations on this
> exact subject since the early days of "sf-lovers" on the ARPAnet!
> What is much more interesting today than the use of flame-retardant
> underwear on mailing lists is the advent and impact of Blogging. Quite
> frankly, I'm surprised that we haven't seen a dramatic rise in Blogging
> here in University City. One would assume it to be an area ripe for it.
> T.T.F.N.
> William H. Magill
> # Beige G3 - Rev A motherboard - 768 Meg
> # Flat-panel iMac (2.1) 800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg
> # PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg]- Tru64 5.1a
> ----
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