Saturday November 15th from 10 am to 3 pm  at SEPTA portal (39-40th and
Baltimore/Woodland Ave)

HOPEFULLY the weather has been so great I am hoping that I'll see lots of
neighbors and friends for this event - drop by for a while even if you
can't plan on being there the whole time
The planting beds at the SEPTA portal (40th Street at Woodland and 
Baltimore) need to be cleaned up and prepared for winter - 
We (the garden club) will get a dumpster, some woodchips and need some
gardeners and clean-up 
greeners to help with the work. 

We will meet at the Portal Point and work west along Woodland and Baltimore 
Avenues and hopefully also get the retaining wall bed behind Woodland 
Terrace cleaned up too. 
This is an ambitious project to get done on one day and we will need plenty 
of help - try to recruit some friends or teenagers to come and lend a hand. 
Bring gloves or we have some to lend out. Bring your favorite gardening 
tools if you want to. 
Light refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you there. 

Lauren W. Leatherbarrow
517 Woodland Terrace
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 386-3905
Fax: (215) 386-0063
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