I will never cease to be amazed by the surprise expressed by Philadelphians every time 
it snows.  People, it's winter:  it snows.  Get over it.

If, because of infirmity, lack of time, absentee-landlordism, or whatever, you know 
that you won't be able to shovel the sidewalk in front of your property, how about 
using a little forethought?  Make arrangements with one of your tenants, or a 
neighborhood kid BEFORE IT SNOWS.  I know many teenagers around the neighborhood 
(including one who lives in my house) who would love the opportunity to earn some 
spending money.

My particular frustration, as I walked down 44th street to the trolley this morning, 
were houses that had the front steps and front walk cleared TO the sidewalk, but the 
sidewalk left a mess.

And I have to sympathize with Ann Meyer (I live on the same block) that when the same 
properties are never shoveled (including one house owned by Urban Shelter and rented 
to several male students) the run-off makes the sidewalk downhill from those 
properties extremely icy and dangerous.

And while I'm in rant mode, will the local dog owners please remember that "pooper 
scooper" laws are not suspended when it snows?

Thank you,

44th & Pine

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Krull [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 10:11 AM
To: Kyle Cassidy; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [UC] Shoveling sidewalks

Thanks for writing
I was away in Jersey this weekend and on my voicemail
AT WORK was a message from  the city reciting the regulations about snow removal. 
Needless to say my sidewalk was not 
shoveled by my renters, so I put salt last night.
The recorded message was from 215 686 5089(*69)
Did anyone elese get a message? Do you know of
anyone who did get the message
Say Kyle could I call you to shovel my
sidewalk at 49th and Locust the next time
it snows. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 8, 2003 10:00 AM
Subject: [UC] Shoveling sidewalks

It was a trecherous and depressing walk to work this morning seeing the paucity of 
shoveled sidewalks between 46th and 36th. I've noticed S.W.E.E.P. officers out 
ticketing for things like huge piles of trash left on the curb for weeks, but I doubt 
they're going to start issuing citations for snow removal any time soon. The city 
ordinance states that: "Within six (6) hours of the end of a snowfall or freezing 
rain, you must clear a path at least 30 inches wide on your sidewalk." Everybody out 
shoveling their walks is, I think, indicative of a helthy neighborhood. I'd be happy 
to start shoveling more of the untended walks on my block if I knew I wasn't the only 
one doing it (that would be even more depressing). I suppose I should find out who my 
block captian is. Can someone point me in that


46th and Walnut 
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