Heavy, heavier, heaviest. Kid comes home from Iraq all suicidal, PTSD, survivor's guilt, the works, his buddies have their legs blown off. Asks Mike why the bodies are coming home at midnight, when nobody can see the coffins.
Worst thing is, the war interrupts a very romantic candlelight dinner. MIke and Liz are just sitting down to eat, talking hesitantly about how they're "not good at this stuff" -- then the hot and spicy ex-nun explodes into a peppery tirade against Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Kinda spoils the atmosphere. Probably all for the best, I think, considering what they've both been through and how, like, mature they are this romance is better taking it slow and easy. I mean, they hop in the sack and where's the suspense?
Plus which, there are probably going to be heavy theological considerations when they do get it on. She's an ex-nun, which means she was once married to Jesus Christ, as I understand my Catholic theology. Now does that mean if she goes to bed with Hack she's technically committing adultery? Or when nuns leave the order, do they get a kind of annulment, sort of like what Britney Spears got when she realized she'd made a too-hasty decision?
At any rate, it's amazing to see this blatant anti-war stuff on CBS. During Vietnam, you would never ever have seen anything like this on network TV. Right on, Hack. BUSH AND CHENEY MUST GO. ALL OUT FOR MARCH 20.

Ross Bender

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