Wow.  Thanks for that enlightenment.  I always knew there was something
fishy about pointing to bibical text as proof God hates queers, but I've
never seen it presented that way. That was great.  Since there seem to be
so many people who seek to use it as tool to hate, exclude, and inhibit,
why not use the same tool to let them see the whole irrationality of their
argument.  The book can lend itself to many interprestaions, thereby
supporting either side of almost any debate.

... supports it AND totally doesn't support the issues  ...agrees AND
disagrees  ...says yes AND no (and maybe)  ...go AND stop AND don't.
Since it can be so easily manipulated, and can interpreted a 1,000
different ways, that in itself should be proof enough that no rational
society would use it as reference in deciding it's social and political
mores.  Especially in courts of law, and especially this issue of whether
or not we can deny the right to marriage to consenting adults.  Perhaps it
would be best to try to understand the book in some other historical
context; perhaps as a reflection of basic human nature; to aid our search
for where we fit in the universe.  And perhaps as a source of comfort,
strength, and faith to those who seek it.  And it can be all those things
without being used to outcast and slander, inhibit the rights of, or
otherwise hate any group of people.   Leave it out of the courtrooms where
we debate and rule on civil rights, social, and political issues.  We gays
are not immoral, unethical, deviant; product of bad choices; nor are we to
be construed in any other negative sense.  We are simply a variation in our
species.  Quite an interesting one, I'd say - but then I am biased.

The whole "Bible say's you're evil" rhetoric imposed upon gays is both
unbalanced and tiresome.  And purely irrational on a number of levels.

Thank's again, Fred.  I got to go back to work.

M. M. Harvey

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