"Yes, the Historical Commission deals with paint colors.  No, the
Historical Commission doesn't deal with paint colors.  It all depends on
whether you are talking about what they are doing today, or what they
have the power to do if they so choose"

It is not as confusing as you are presenting it. The commission has the
authority to "deal"
with paint, that is the answer. Lets stick to the facts.

Brian, and many others (including myself) have been truthful in our
of the guidelines and current regulations. We have made them available
for those who 
can read. Read the guidelines very carefully as if it was a contract.
The commission
has the power to regulate colors, a clear indication of their future
intent to exercise that 
power when useful to the commission.

I am not against Historic Designation for Spruce Hill. I am against the
abusive process of designation. I am against the sweeping authority
given to the Historic Commission by the 
City of Philadelphia.

I find it sad that many have posted comments on this listserv not being
with the code of enforcement. I find it useless that homeowners are
posting support for
the designation without living in Spruce Hill. I find it absurd that
many are not
understanding they will not have a voice in the matter unless they

The proponents have not asked for your vote and have put significant
dollars forth
acting on behalf of all property owners in Spruce Hill. The commission
does not 
require property owners votes for designation. The property owners of
Spruce Hill
are mostly unaware or confused about the regulations and process.

None of the proponents have been reasonable or fair about any of this.
All of you are
derelict in your duties as community representatives and have not
followed any 
responsible process to seeking the nomination of Spruce Hill. None of
you have ever
contacted me directly to sit down and discuss the proposal.  You all
know me and my
willingness to compromise. I have requested and been refused. You have
not showed to 
debate in public. Your efforts are single minded. 

Why do you chose to use this listserv as a forum for this debate?

What do you have to say about your arrogance thus far?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles H.
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] HD nastiness is a result of exaggeration & opinion
presented as fact 

   Date:  Mon, 5 Apr 2004 14:58:17 EDT

   In a message dated 4/5/04 12:08:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   <<... I'm still trying to find time to write back to Al Krigman, who 
   mentioned to me that since I was asking about house painters, aren't
I glad we don't 
   have an HD to get in the way of my plans (which is kind of ironic
because HDs 
   typically don't deal with paint as an issue.) >>
   Philadelphia's local historic districts don't deal with paint colors,

   Elizabeth!  This is a scare tactic being used by the anti-HD's!

OK, just in case anyone hasn't heard this argument a dozen times, I'll
cut to the chase:

>From the Historical Commission web site 

"What parts of a historic property does the Historical Commission
regulate?  The Historical Commission reviews all work that requires a
permit or that may change the exterior appearance of a property. This
includes, for example, roofing, masonry cleaning, pointing and
***painting***, window and sash replacement, and window boxes. As a
of policy, the Commission does not regulate the painting of exterior

Which I read to say that the Historical Commission has the right to
regulate painting, but currently chooses not to.

So, Al is right: The Historical Commission, on it's own web site,
clearly says that it reviews painting.  And Melani is right, their
current policy is not to regulate painting.

Yes, the Historical Commission deals with paint colors.  No, the
Historical Commission doesn't deal with paint colors.  It all depends
on whether you are talking about what they are doing today, or what
they have the power to do if they so choose.

--- Chip

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