In a message dated 4/14/2004 12:40:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>From: "Jonathan Cass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>combined with your admission that you had to leave a drinking engagement
>early to help your wife clean the house, is troubling, to say the least.  I

Whoah. Some clarification is needed here. 1) Kyle and I are _not_ married;
and 2) the HOUSE in question belongs to KYLE and KYLE ALONE, and _I_ help
clean it not because it is my obligation but out of the goodness of my
heart, and because I am an all-around Fantastic Chyk and I rock. So there!

Not to mention we LEFT a drinking engagement early in order to HOST another,
different drinking engagement that lasted until 2 a.m. And on a school
night, no less.
"Drinking engagement" my ass. Not only were the two of them, regardless of their marital status (I don't want to know any more about it; might be one o' them "gay marriages" you hear so much about these days), stone cold sober, but bananafishie did *not*, as advertized, carry a sex pistol in her decolletage. TAKE IT TO CULTURE, MAN. Or get a room.

Ross Bender

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