Cass, et al:
It was not my intention to offend anyone. If I have, please accept my apology.
My reference to our Nation and our people was a question of specificity, not an edict of exclusion. Please accept my apology for my lack of clarity.
Many of us who walk in faith are concerned for the entire family of man.

Many of those who shun blind faith also have concern for the well-being of all humankind, which is why we get so annoyed when people distract themselves from difficult realities by retreating to the comfortable emptymindedness of religion. Each trip to the fantasy is a tiny step backwards for humanity. Multiply it by the millions of people nationwide begging the deity for salvation, good luck or a victory in the war or next weeks game and you have quite a problem.
Especially when the hosannahs spill out into public forums.

The benevolence of your sentiment is nice, in as much as you are asking us to pause and consider what we should be thankful for, i.e. all the bad crap that hasn't happened yet and won't if we individually and collectively get our act together.


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