Be a part of the exciting new efforts to restore Cedar Park, 49th - 50th Street on Baltimore Avenue.  First step...planting of new War Memorial flower garden and general clean-up of park.  Stop by the Cedar Park Neighbors information table to check out proposed designs for park renovation, learn about the project and how to get involved.  Bring the children for a special take-home planting activity.  
10 am - 2 pm
Cedar Park
49th & Baltimore Avenue
Cannas, Elephant Ears, other ornamentals and bedding plants will be planted in the new flower garden to beautify this Baltimore Avenue portal to our community and honor those from our community who have fallen in the defense of our country. Meet in front of the WW Memorial.  Contact: Holman Massey (
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 215-573-4756)
Spring Into Cedar Park is the first step in a long range improvement plan for the park that is being facilitated by Cedar Park Neighbors in collaboration with the Dept. of Recreation, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, the Phila. Public Art Office, Councilwoman Blackwell's office, the University City District and local residents and businesses.  For further information about this project contact Cedar Park Neighbors at 267.531.4147.

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