Title: Re: [UC] Ailanthus information
I have to agree. If Kerry is for reinstating the draft for both men & women with no educational deferment and no conscientious objector status (as I have read but have not heard directly from Kerry), there needs to be a non-military option like volunteering in the school systems or hospitals or in the local and national parks. There's so much work that could be done by a strong volunteer work force that would really improve the quality of life for so many.  And volunteer work is so rewarding and humbling all at the same time.


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From: "William Zardus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "William Zardus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 20:06:53 +0000
Subject: Re: [UC] Ailanthus information

A lot of parks are filled with parasite vines like this
killing useful trees.

It's good there are people like you willing to volunteer
to do stuff like that for a whole summer.
When they did away with the draft they should have
replaced it with some sort of mandatory service to
the country for a year or two.

The only exemption would be for people
who join the military out of high school.

There are lots of things like this that could be done
to make things better at a minimal cost.


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: [UC] Ailanthus information
Date: Tue, 04 May 2004 09:48:28 -0400

I spent an entire summer in Mannassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia
as a volunteer removing "Trees of Heaven" because they were an invasive,
non-native species taking over areas of the park. They are nasty, horrible
weeds cleverly disguised as trees. They send a tap root down nearly as tall
as the tree itself which has to be dug up completely. They also send out a
large web of surface roots. When removing these trees, you need to remove
ALL of these roots or new little baby "Tree of Heavens" will sprout from the
rings of root bits left in the soil. It was the hardest job of my life and
if I never see another "Tree of Hell" it will be to soon.


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