The city doesn't care about liability. Mainly because no one PERSON ever feels the pinch. Otherwise they would have done something about the free range doggies in the park.
I'm waiting for the day some one gets mauled in the park. Now that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

"Turner,Kathleen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Williams (Recreation Dept.) left a voice message for me that he had been unable to ascertain what department was responsible for the construction, but that one of his crews would be there by 3:00 pm to "see what they could do about the situation".  My son walked by the playground around 4 and reported that there were no signs of anything having been done.
The contractor is leaving himself and the city vulnerable to legal action if a child is injured there.  Regardless of the legal concerns, I'm appalled at the complete lack of concern the city has shown for the safety of the children in our neighborhood.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: [UC] Clark Park Playground

I spoke with Peta Raabe, the design architect for the new Clark Park playground. As the contractor was installing the new playset, he found the manufacturer had shorted him a piece or two. Those pieces have been ordered. In the meantime, he could not finish the surfacing job promptly as he had planned to. He put up standard orange warning tape, which suffices for delays of a day or two but is not intended to last this long. It is beyond his contract to install sturdier barriers. Sam LePera of the Dept. of Recreation has been notified that neighborhood residents feel the unfinished surface presents a safety hazard.
-- Tony West

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