sadly, i must say this echoes my own experience at the RNC. I was covering
it for silicon alley radio as a photographer. while at the WTC the reporter
I was working with was interviewing a guy with a ralph nader sign and the
whole lot of us were arrested for walking more than 2 abreast on the
sidewalk. they let susan and i go after checking our press credentials, but
the guy with the nader sign got carted off along with about 200 other people
who, as far as i could tell from being there, were comitting only the crime
of walking more than 2 abreast on a sidewalk: a law which i'm certian is
flaunted with impunity every day in the business district at 5:00 when
people leave work.

here's what it looked like when we were told we were under arrest:

and the dangerous thugs being led away in handcuffs:

my suspicion is that none of these arrests will hold up in court but the
tactic was extremely successful at dismembering the protests before they

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