She, like I, did not agree with your characterization of UC. It was different from...rose colored. Your commentary came across in a jaundiced color. Forget the off-white of the eyes cynical, we are talking pasty yellow-brown turd colored.

craig®, you're getting this wrong. read ross®'s post again. his 'characterization' of ucity IS rather rose-colored, not jaundiced or cynical or yellow-brown. rather, it's the inquirer's characterization of ucity that's making him ill.

his post begins:

After finally having waded through the cloying and sickeningly sweet Inky special on our beloved hood, I have one word -- Yeccchh!
Yes, we have a wonderful place to live. But the tsunami of orchestrated rah-rah just gives me a pain in the gall bladder.

and his post ends:

Get real, folks -- there are some fascinating social dynamics grinding on in our hood, and developments that give real reason of hope for true diversity and true racial reconciliation. But you wouldn't know it from the Inky gush.

......... laserbeam® [aka ray]

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