Title: Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice
To show how better things are without HACK

-----Original Message-----
From: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 13, 2004 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice]

Clean DocumentEmail

and why are you posting this again Mark?




-----Original Message-----
Mark Krull
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:02 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice]


I just found this in my old email .

-------- Original Message --------


Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice


Wed, 10 Dec 2003 19:15:39 -0500


HarvestMoon3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


HarvestMoon3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


'UnivCity listserv' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



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Sounds like the makings of a frivolous law suit to me.


I enjoy seeing Hack filming in the neighborhood and in the city. And so do most of my neighbors, so far as I can tell. But, hey, I say "go for it" -- bring on the Hack lawsuit.  I'd be fascinated to see the process and the outcome. ( I predict it would be dismissed. ) And as for monetary damages... what damages can be documented? Can ANY damages be documented? (other than subjecting the listserve members to an endless barrage of tirades about Hack and the conspiracy to steal our God-given right to parking. These repetitive tirades and discussions could be considered "cruel and inhumane", so I, for one, will end MY discussion at this point.)


Neil Lifson

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 5:10 PM

Subject: RE: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice


Yeah..they will need a lawyer...


1)”You cannot prevent someone from parking in front of your house”


SA: If they are creating a health hazard or in violation of the noise

pollution laws..I’m curious. Hack has been in violation. The violations

have not been enforced by the police. Hack has also run over the posted

time limits, relocated cars to un-notified areas, as well as parked

employee cars with “Hack” signs in the front windshield on blocks not

included in the “notified” areas.


2) “You cannot prevent the city from allowing something like "Hack"

   if your government  feels it is acting for the common good”.


SA: It is not “Due Process” (An established course for judicial proceedings or other

governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.) to act on

behalf of the citizens without notification of predicted impact.


3) “Did "Hack" prevent a rescue squad to get to your neighbor when he was ill?”


SA: Not that I am aware of ..but I’m not saying no.

The question is ..are you..or any of the residents on this list aware of any emergency

plans by HACK regarding Fire or Medical? If you were dying and needed an emergency

vehicle, would you rather have multiple streets blocked off with filming?


It is not a matter of “art” appreciation versus “complaining” residents. Hack informed

representatives from our community in advance and they decided not to tell anyone.

Hack is receiving special treatment from the city without the proper law enforcement.

We …the citizens…are not informed or protected.


I’m concerned about my rights.


Sounds like the basis of a legal case to me.




-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hotchkiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Friday, January 09, 2004 2:01 PM
To: S. Sharrieff Ali; UnivCity listserv
Subject: Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice


The process is to elect someone that represents your interests. We have a representative government, we do not have a true democracy where every individual gets to vote on every issue. Our representatives try to act for the common good. This includes what happens on common evesments like the street, your sidewalk and common driveways. You cannot prevent someone from walking on your sidewalk even though you are responsible to maintain it. You cannot prevent someone from parking in front of your house even though you have to maintain your curb and pipes. You cannot prevent the city from allowing something like "Hack" if your government  feels it is acting for the common good. You can lobby your representatives (council persons, mayor) to elicit change as much as those who want the city to be seen and used for films (income to city).

My personal belief is that the filming of "Hack" is for the common good of the city even though it is an inconvenience to a minority of the city's population.

Did "Hack" prevent a rescue squad to get to your neighbor when he was ill? If so, then there should be criminal charges brought against those in charge and you should contact the police and DA.

I'm not a lawyer and I welcome anyone on the list with a law degree to correct me.

Richard Hotchkiss

From: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "S. Sharrieff Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fri, 09 Jan 2004 12:26:45 -0500
To: UnivCity listserv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice


Mark, Anthony, and Sande, I¹m really confused why

you are so ³sure² that your neighbors would agree with

you. Based on your statements, the three of you are

clearly not understanding the term ³process² or how

important it is when making decisions for large numbers

of people.

Let me help you out.

Before you arrange anything for your block based

on what you think is a good idea, I suggest having

a meeting with the ³surrounding² neighbors and

blocks who will share the impact of the filming.

This is how the HACK filming should have started

in the first place, with information and consensus.

I also suggest becoming familiar with the number of

seniors citizens, residents with acute medical

conditions (such as my neighbor who needed a

medical emergency vehicle all hours of the day, at least

3 or 4 times a month for his heart, he died 3 weeks ago),

businesses or homes that don¹t want their fronts blocked

with parked vehicles, operating either from home or store

front that require package delivery, and anyone else with

basic or special needs that you may not be aware of.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Krull
Friday, January 09, 2004 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] RE: Hack Filming Notice

I believe they would be welcome at my block at 49th and Locust


Me too!  I'd personally have no problem if they decided to shift their operations over this way to my block (45th and Locust)...


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