The Community meeting with Amy Gutman, new president of the University of Pennsylvania, is Thursday evening, 7:00 pm, at the Rotunda.
Some people have said, "Why bother? Penn is going to do to and in the neighborhood what it wants, regardless of what the people who make it their home have to say." Maybe, and maybe not. Either way, maybe it would be good and maybe it would be bad. Maybe there's a chance that the 900-lb gorilla at our threshhold will be more forthcoming with the community, and maybe it'll just exhibit more of the vision of the anointed than it has under Judith Rodin.
But, IMHO, there is no "maybe" about the moral and pragmatic obligation of the Penn supporters and detractors alike to give the new administration a chance, a fair hearing, and some civil -- whether pro or con -- input.
Also, they usually serve great cookies and cheese at the Rotunda.
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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