I got my statistics from this link.

I went back to see what they defined as "Serious Crimes".
Unfortunately, "serious" seems to be defined in the negative.
If I exclude crimes that have their own categories, than "Serious Crimes"
seems to include:
        Manslaughter & Attempted Murder, 
        Sexual Assault (not Rape) & Pedophilia, 
        Crimes with Guns,
        Larger dollar Money  or Drug crimes
But, these are only my guesses.

I used to be able to check the FBI stats, but today I found the new Web
Site not navigable.
The last time I checked ...
        Muggings & Murders were more common in Society Hill
        Car Break ins more common in Rittenhouse Square
        and Rape more common in both SH & RS than in UC.
Maybe to some, it feels counterintuitive.
        "West" might evoke "Wild"
        Tree shaded streets might feel eerie after dark.
But, I own a property and have an office in Center City, and always feel
safer when I am home or working in UC.

I also remember noting that the City as a whole was at about the
statistical mean for crime for the entire region.
(This means that 50% of the Suburbs were less safe than the city.)
The TV news last night showed the murders occurring in King of Prussia
and New Jersey.

We live in an urban world of unpredictable connections and intersections.
In UC, our chances of being mugged are not statistically higher, but
because of these lists, but our chances of hearing the echo of the
muggings are.  We shouldn't forego the pleasures of our great homes,
convenient events and services and easy access to work and travel because
of the exaggerated perception of crime.  But, we should act in a
forthright manner to avoid becoming victims and we should work to protect
our weaker members.

I have had surprisingly little personal experience with crime.  
Surprising because I am a night walker; a property owner with too many
possessions and am part of a multi- car family.  
I have dropped wallets and had them returned intact. 
My experience confirms that most people are "good", and 
that a "crime wave" is often just one unchecked person or group.  
In my minimal experience with crime, the police responded quickly and
well and a "mugger" suffered my personal wrath and a major thrashing
before being hauled off to "justice".

One thing I learned at PENN in the 70's when rape on and near Campus was
a serious problem was that decent folks must stand up and "Take back the
Here are some ways to increase safety.
  Educate children.
  Turn on a porch light, trim the hedges and check in.
  Participate in a Volunteer Town Watch.  
  Vote for safer streets.
  Stop a crime from climax by calling out a window and dialing 911

Liz Campion

Elizabeth  Campion 

On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 11:27:36 -0400 "Christy Bracken"
> What constitutes a "serious crime"?
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 Campion writes:

As someone predicted...
..."Serious Crime" is lower in UC than in CC.

In fact, the statistics say that we are twice as safe in University City
as are the residents of either Society Hill or the Art Museum areas of
the city.  And, the numbers hold true for less serious crimes.  You are
twice as likely to have you car stolen in the Art Museum or Society Hill
as you are in UC.  And, even if crime had no meaning, Rittenhouse Square
and Society Hill seem bereft of children, averaging only 1 child per 20
Adults.  That's just not enough giggles and hugs to go around.

Here are the statistics.

8.19 %          19143 (Cedar Park, etc.)                
        4,235 Serious crimes per 51,710 Adult Residents
                2 Children per 5 Adults

9.40 %          19104 (Spruce Hill, Powelton Village, Mantua, etc.)
        3,947 Serious crimes per 41,978 Adult Residents
                3 Children per 17 Adults

10.3 %          19146 (Grad Hospital & SOSo)
        2,888 Serious crimes per 28,043 Adult Residents
                1 Child per 3 Adults

13.57 %         19103 (Rittenhouse & Fitler Squares)
        2,334 Serious crimes per 17,203 Adult Residents
                1 Child per 20 Adults

18.82 %         19106 (Society Hill, Olde City)
        1,602 Serious crimes per 8,512 Adult Residents
                1 Child per 20 Adults

20.37 %         19130 (Art Museum area)
        2,037 Serious crimes per 19,095 Adult Residents
                4 Children per 25 Adults

Enjoy another proof that our neighborhood rocks!

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