Relayed from Ed Goppelt of Hallwatch
Dear Philadelphian:

In 2000, President George W. Bush won Florida, and the Presidency of
the United States, by 537 votes. Since this year's Presidential
election appears equally close, I wanted to make sure you knew about
Hallwatch's Polling Place Locator, an easy way to find your polling
place on-line:

If you're registered to vote in Philadelphia type in your address and
the Polling Place Locator will tell you where your polling place is.
The service is available 24 hours a day with no busy signals.  It is
fast, easy and accurate.

If you are involved in getting out the vote, Hallwatch's Mass Look Up
page makes it possible to look up polling place information for a
whole series of addresses.  Results may be downloaded as a text file
for later re-import into your spreadsheet or database program:

Do you have questions about the service?  Please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please forward this email to anyone you
think might be interested.  As American citizens we have the right to
choose our leaders in a free and fair election. Let's put that right
to good use.


Edmund Goppelt
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

Don't forget the city-wide Historic Designation Reform Task Force Forum, Oct 25 at Community College of Philadelphia. e-mail me (off-list, please) for details of the agenda, time, etc.

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