Title: Re: [UC] Republicans for Kerry Blacks for Bush
That’s not true.

What I am saying as an African-American is that they have the illusion of positions of power, but the power that is due them in not honored.

Never in my LIFE have a seen a war fought without hearing regular input from the Secretary of State.  Most of Secretary Powell’s advise about how to proceed in Iraq was summarily ignored.

He seems like he’s always on some “busy work” mission while the other guys handle the war.  (Where is he now, China ??) There were also memos about action to be taken in Iraq that were not shown to either Condoleeza Rice or Powell until much later.

For the other position you have mentioned, I cannot speak on, but for these high level cabinet posts, I believe it to be rather disingenuous to appoint them and not really let them wield the power they were allegedly given.


On 10/26/04 10:58 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 10/26/2004 10:39:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I never see ANY people of color in  the loyalty-oath approved crowds cheering for W.
Yeah, he just makes them leaders, instead of cheerleaders.
Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Cabinet Official, Chairman of the FCC.
No modern President has appointed so many blacks to policy & power positions as B2. So now that he has blacks in power, the progressives are alleging, "well they're not good blacks."

Just goes to show how endemic racism is in our Democratic Party. What was I saying about all the white guys in our local building trades' unions?

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