Here is  a link to find your polling place

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Ed Goppelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 27, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Presidential Election

Dear Fellow Philadelphian:

This year's Presidential election continues to be a very close race
that will strongly affect our City and Nation for years to come.  Make
sure your vote counts!  If you live in Philadelphia, don't forget to
double check your polling place *before* going out to vote.

I've set up this web page to make checking fast and easy:

Here's how it works: you type in your address and Hallwatch tells you
where your polling place is.  That's it.  No busy signals, open 24/7
and updated daily.

The City plans on sending you a post card informing you of your
polling place.  City leaders have done what they could to ensure that
everyone votes.  But did you know that polling places change
daily--including the day of the election?  Don't end up going to the
wrong polling place because you relied on old information!

Our votes as Philadelphians may well decide this race: with twenty-one
electoral votes up for grabs, Pennsylvania is second only to Florida
in the battleground states.  The latest polls show President Bush
enjoying a thin lead (2 per cent) in the nation as a whole, while
Democrat John Kerry has a slightly more robust lead (4 per cent) here
in Pennsylvania.

For more information on the election see Ed Schwartz's web site:

As Americans we have the right to choose our leaders in a free and
fair election.  Many in the world do not.  On November 2, let's put
that right to good use.  


Edmund Goppelt

PS: Do you have questions about the service?  Email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please forward this email to anyone you
think might find it useful.

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