According to several news sources (here's one:, Bush just selected Alberto Gonzales to be his new Attorney General.  I don't know too much about him, but he did recommend to the President (in his role as "counsel") that the U.S. not be bound by the provisions of the Geneva Convention in dealing with prisoners of war.  He also was counsel to Enron.  Read below for what a friend has to say about him: 
"Gonzales had been Enron chief counsel before whole thing broke, but not before illegal practices started. i am not sure exactly what role he played in setting up the shell game there but i do know he drafted the briefs suggesting that at Gitmo there was no need to uphold Geneva conventions--and this later got extended out to Afghanistan and the Iraq. lots of stuff on this by Seymour Hirsch (sp?) in the New Yorker over the past year or so... basically the argument is that enemy combatants do not require the same sorts of legal protections as POWs...which is bogus and is also getting people like McCain and Powell up in arms because if it doesn't apply to the folks we're grabbing, then why should it apply to US POWS?"
If you're interested in defeating his nomination in the senate, write your senators and representative now.  Even if you're not, here's a good site to know about:
At the  Constitution Center's website, there's a button called "Citizen Action" where you can write to your senators and rep. and the pres. in one fell swoop.  Very useful for this type of thing, no cutting or pasting involved.
Forward widely.  I want people to know about the Constitution Center site for whatever issues they care to communicate about.  Our senators need to know more than ever how we wish to be represented.
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