I keep hoping that cinemagic will wake up and smell the starbucks and start showing art films ......


I keep hoping that cinemagic will wake up and smell the cinemagic. The last time I was there, it smelled like a locker room that hadn't been cleaned for thirty years, but that it had been doused with disinfectant yearly.

We went to a few flicks at the Bridge over the summer, Monday afternoons, and they weren't too bad. But last spring when we saw Mel Gibson's "The Passion" (shudder) the audiance behavior was attocious. There seemed to be lots of church groups there on a Thursday afternoon, who obviously never learned the two greatest commandments. Enough to give some of us more liberal Christians a bad name.

I recall when we saw Spidey II, one of the other older audience members complained about the loudness level of the soundtrack, and they turned it down slightly.


Fred Wolfe


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