Title: Re: [UC] Bike regulations: a pedestrian speaks
I had an amusing encounter with two Philly bicycle policemen. They entered an intersection (Pine and 41st I believe), chatting away, without even looking for oncoming traffic (me on my bike in this case). I yelled something civil  (probably “hello”) and they swerved away from me and sheepishly apologized.

Margie P.

Of course, the worst offenders I've seen for riding on sidewalks, riding the wrong way on one way streets, and otherwise setting a VERY BAD EXAMPLE for University City bike riders, are the UCD bike patrol guys.  They're awful.


-----Original Message-----
From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On  Behalf Of Clinton, J. Scott
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004  4:49 PM
To: 'Marianne Das';  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [UC] Bike regulations: a  pedestrian speaks

-----Original Message-----
From:  Marianne Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November  22, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject:  SPAM SPAM -- [UC] Bike regulations: a pedestrian speaks

I've ploughed through 14 e-mails on the  listserv that are either pro-bike or pro-car. Although I'm sympathetic to  bikers, here are two pet peeves  from a beleaguered  pedestrian.

(1) If you are going to ride your bike on  the sidewalk (and this is done everywhere west of 40th Street), please warn  the pedestrian of your approach. Why is it that none of the bikes with all  those bells and whistles aren't equipped with either a bell or whistle? I  wish I had a nickel for the times I have been hit or narrowly missed by a  bike.
[Clinton, J.  Scott] my bike has a bell, and little else.  no whistles.  i  ring my bell a heck of a lot although cars and trolleys don't seem to be  impressed.  I never ride on sidewalks.  they're called sideWALKs  for a reason.

2. Why are you in such a damned hurry?  Cars aren't allowed to pass on the passenger side of a bus when it is taking  on or discharging passengers. Why do bikes do this? My daughter was  seriously injured this way.
[Clinton, J. Scott] it has to do with momentum,  especially on hills.  I do stop when a trolley is discharging or taking  on passengers, though.  I'm one of the slower bicyclists in the west  philly, though.  Bike messangers blow by me like i'm standing  still.   That is mostly because I am so out of  shape.

I walk more than I ride, though, so I try to  remember the golden rule when I'm riding and I keep in mind the needs of  bicyclists when I walk.


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