Title: Message
    Hide your new trash can in the garage. Set up a hidden webcam in the garage. We can set up a nertwork of shared UC security webcams. We can monitor everyone's home for a fee. Think of it, man!! Garage cams, kitty/doggy cams, kitchen cams, living room cams!!!!!! Hey, we could put a new wireless webcam in the trash can and find out where the culprit takes the purloined recepticles. Granted it's a waste of a perfectly good webcam, but hey, if it thwarts the @%#@&*#%$ that stole your trash can, sending him or her to jail, and ruining his or her miserable life as they experience the hellish, mind-shattering torture of incarceration seeing images of a life unrealized in their dreams every night as our tax dollars pay twice the average annual salary of a member of the working public to keep them alive, then isn't it worth every penny? I say "Yes."
    Got any vegemite left? Who's your vegemite contact in Aussieland? Nnngggguh Nnngggguh Nnngggguh......yummy sour vegetable paste...Nnngggguh Nnngggguh Nnngggguh.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Cassidy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 3:36 PM
To: University City listserv
Subject: [UC] Some @#$@ stole my trash can.

Walking outside today, experiencing the fine air, the lovely morning, I noticed some 97 115 115 104 97 116 (expletive rendered into decimal ascii values so as to only offend the nerdiest amongst you) has absconded with my trash can. If anybody sees it, it's can shaped. With handles. Made of plastic.

Next one I get I'm going to paint "I LOVE HANSON" on it in two foot tall pink letters.


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