Is Craig saying that folks who live in double-wides are in a lower class??
So he busts on them and the people trying to make the hood a little more
Please correct me if I am being to PC for this day and age of Rumsfeld and Co.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 1, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [UC] re: drop a double wide and go Section 8

re: drop a double wide and go Section 8</TITLE>


Are you suggesting we co-develop modular housing in UC? Wherever there is a 
vacant lot, we drop a double wide and go Section 8. </FONT>
The anointed will have an opportunity to lead the less fortunate 
by example. No more community gardens that harbor trash and founder 
based on the motivation of the current crop of matriculating do-gooders.

When I first moved into my house from the warm comfort and inbred domesticity 
of small town new jersey some ten years ago there were four people (two women 
and two men) living in a silver honda civic in my driveway. The civic had 
flames painted on the sides of it. During the day, they'd sit on the hood of 
the car and drink a 12 pack of Busch while playing the radio. At night, they'd 
sleep in the car. They were there for at least a month after I moved in. 
Someone at work asked me "why don't you call the police?" and I said "why, do 
you think the police could make their lives more miserable?" but in retrospect, 
they often seemed like they were having more fun than I was. Sometimes they'd 
raise a beer can to me and say something in Spanish as I went in or 

At the time I was one of 13 people living in the house, the living room, for 
example, had been subdivided into two bedrooms with bedsheets hanging on 
clotheslines and a narrow passageway down the middle, so I think living 
conditions inside were probably just as strange.</FONT></P>

ven more exciting would be a Moslem Modular Enclave on the old Pozzi </FONT>
Parcel behind the 4300 block of Walnut. Nestled between to mosques, 
</FONT>R><FONT SIZE=2>>we could develop the project through a Islamic religious 
nonprofit. </FONT>

In something of a non sequitor, I heard on NPR yesterday morning that Muslems 
in America make on average $11,000 more than their Christian counterparts. 

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