From Reason Magazine...
Apprentice Season Finale
Donald Trump will say, "You're hired!" on the season finale of NBC's The Apprentice tonight. But Reason's Jesse Walker isn't so sure he'll be getting a good executive: "The standard beefs with The Apprentice 2 are that its contestants are less likable and its product placements more obvious than in the first season. I can't dispute either complaint, but I think a deeper change has been at work as well. Under all the cheese and Trumpian self-promotion, the first season was about achievement. The second season is about corporate politics. I got the impression that the finalists last time would make good entrepreneurs. This time, they'd make good middle-management toadies. Like any generalization, this one needs to be tempered. Players still forged alliances in season one, the boardroom was still an exercise in navigating Trump's mind games, and everyone brown-nosed the boss. But as the players' ranks grew smaller, the elimination process seemed to have something to do with who was more skilled at commerce. In the second season, ability is important, but this time the skills being rewarded include backstabbing, manipulation, and fealty to the in-group."
Al Krigman
(Left of Ivan Groznyj)

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