In a message dated 12/10/2004 10:57:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Your use of terms like "criminal" to disparage off-leash dog walkers is more than insulting -- it's mistaken. Such infractions of regulations do not lead to criminal charges. Today I drove home from work on I-95, and I can assure you that 100% of my fellow drivers exceeded 55 mph. That didn't make them criminals and they shouldn't lose their voting rights or their rights to help plan the city they pay taxes to and live in. Most people violate some regs at some point in their lives.

Wrongo! That DOES make them criminals and they should be thrown in jail, their poisonous vehicles impounded, heavily fined, and the money used to fund SEPTA.
Surely you realize that "selective enforcement" is the name of the game. For example, "everybody" rides bicycles on the sidewalk, but when the Penn Pigs decide to get tough, they bust eminent frail old professors, to make a point. In a broader example, draconian drug laws are selectively used to send Negro teenagers to jail for life, while George Bush careens drunkenly to the White House.
Mr. West, I am SHOCKED at your logic and your wanton defense of blatantly criminal actions. Just because "everybody does it" is no excuse. A little selective enforcement of the dog leash laws would do wonders to improve Clark Park.

As one example: I notice from your constant public vulgarity that you spend a lot of time thinking about dog feces, in the park at least. You're not alone in raising that point, however. So I thought the matter worth studying. On Nov. 27 I did a systematic field survey of the north end of the Bowl, where most off-leash dog walking takes place. In that area of ca. 2000 sq.yd., I found 4 fecal deposits. I then did a comparable survey of an equivalent square footage of *non-park public space* -- the tree lawns and front yards of the 4300-4400 blocks of Larchwood Ave., and the 300-400 blocks of S. 44th St. Here I found 21 fecal deposits! So it is not true that Clark Park is unusually fouled by animal waste; in fact, the opposite may be true.

Impressive! Did you get photographic evidence? Were your results statistically significant? What a picture! The Fecal Matter Inspector in his deerstalker pacing the sidewalk! Most excellent, Dude!

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