On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Jayfar wrote:

> L a s e r B e a m ® wrote:
> >for instance, I just checked the uchs website, thinking I'd  find info
> >about the imminent razing of convention hall (to  build a penn cancer
> >center), but to my surprise there seemed  to be nothing. the dp had 2
> >recent articles (see below),  but, from the articles, no one from uchs
> >seems to be  involved, either as a commentator or protestor. odd? isn't 
> >convention hall part of 'university city'? with historic  significance?
> >it's got me wondering: to what extent does  'significance' have to do
> >with preserving a single building?  with preserving certain buildings
> >within a district? with  stemming, as some hd advocates have claimed,
> >penn's  encroachment on the neighborhood?

It's worth noting that, according to the November issue of the UCHS's
newsletter, their recently elected president, Mark Stuart, is an employee
of Penn, at their Veterinary School. Could that be a factor in their
apparent non-interest in Convention Hall and the Commercial Museum?



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