In a message dated 12/29/2004 5:58:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
After all, it has already been documented by the Spruce Hill poll.
An e-mail poll, polluted by an extremely biased cover letter, to the 200 or 250 members of an association that purports to represent a neighborhood with 18,000 residents can't be said to "document" anything about what the majority in the community want (the statement you made that triggered this proposal was "I would say the majority favor it" -- with your head held high.
Face it. You got caught making a statement you not only can't back up, but are afraid will be disproved in a fair search for empirical evidence. Oh, I know you're so sure of your righteousness that you don't think empirical evidence is necessary. Well, Bruce, you stepped in this time. Take the opportunity to back up your statements or retract them.
The challenge is out there now. If the proponents don't rise to it, the fact that they don't will surely haunt them. (No, don't crucify Bruce for spoiling the party, all you zealots. It would have come sooner or later anyway.)

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