In a message dated 1/2/2005 10:01:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I met this guy at the Hess station at 34th & Grays Ferry.  He had already succeeded in hitting me up with a different scam - where he wasn't deaf at all - earlier that year.  I recognized him right away and got very angry with him.  He fled pronto.
My paternal grandparents immigrated into the US around the turn of the last century (no, don't historically designate me!). One of the stories my grandmother told me, that this discussion recalled, was about the fact that there was a lot of scamming going on in those days within the immigrant community. One day, a fellow with no arms approached her on the street asking for a meal (there was a lot of taking people in and feeding them in those days, especially "Landsmen" fresh off the boat). Naturally, she brought him home for supper. A few days later, she saw the same fellow having miraculously grown arms (or at least putting them through his sleeves rather than keeping them inside his shirt). Her chicken soup didn't have healing powers like that. She gave him "what for" in such a way that nobody ever saw him again in the neighborhood.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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