Title: RE: [UC] crime warning
There's a common perception that crimes are late-night affairs. This may reveal deep-seated psychological attitudes toward darkness and light but it's quite mistaken. Nobody should base their behavior on the idea that the streets are "safe" at 6 p.m. and "unsafe" at 12:00 p.m. Crime, like the A-Plus, is a 24-hour business. That's why the police work all three shifts. The last two crimes against my person (spread out over 20 years) both took place around the evening rush hour, in heavily trafficked areas.
It depends on the perpetrator's goals. If you want, for instance, to encounter a stranger quickly and take money off his or her person, standing in a dark alley at 3 a.m. is a really stupid strategy since few people are IN alleys at that hour, and the few who stagger along have probably just blown their wad at a bar. The afternoon rush hour makes more sense. Many more folks are abroad, and they're apt to have money then. Toward the end of the week, people are likelier to have pay in their pocket at that hour also. They're tired, they're rushing to get home and they're not paying attention to their surroundings. They're less wary of others because there are so many others about, thus they're easier to approach.
-- Tony West

> > The face shooting incident was at 6:00 in the evening.

> Does someone have any indication of the TIMES when

> these incidents occurred?

> The first incident where the victim was shot in the face

> struck me as unusual, since, if I recall right, it occurred

> Pretty early in the evening. 

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