Title: Re: [UC] Squirrel relocation services?
Bats in the Belfry notwithstanding, :) the service I recommended to Kyle off-list uses a gadget that is placed at the squirrels point of entry.

Since squirrels are mainly diurnal, they leave in the morning to forage for food and return during the evening to sleep and/or wreak havoc in the house as rats. (i.e. Running through walls, chewing wood, insulation, wiring and causing fires and generally destroying the joint.)

The contraption they use allow them to leave during the day but does NOT allow them to return at the end of the day.

Do place caps on your chimney flues and that would help quite a bit.


On 1/5/05 8:19 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey folks -- I've got a few squirrels running around in my attic (I'm intentionally leaving this in case Craig or Bender feel they haven't had any witty comebacks lately) which I'd like to move someplace. Like Clark Park. Is there a no-kill tree-rat "exterminator" in the area? I don't need some guy with a sawed off shotgun crawling around in my attic (I'd call Diller if that was the case and keep the money in the family) or anybody poisoning anything. Live catch & move to some place where all those off leash pitt bulls can rip them apart.




What, no bats in the belfry? :o

I agree with the idea of the havaheart traps, using peanut butter (squirrels do like pb! don't know about jelly) and then walking them to, say, Clark Park and releasing the little guys.

The other thing you really have to do is find out where they're getting in, or this will just keep happening.  There must be a small hole or window open or something that's allowing them entry.  Sealing that up would stop them from getting in, also a good way to check for/make sure there's no water or air leaks.

good luck!  


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