In a message dated 1/26/2005 9:35:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My dog has sensitive paws.  He cannot walk in the snow more than 10 minutes
without limping.  But if he happens upon the salt or the other round ball
crystals, he cannot walk at all on it.  He limps almost immediately, and if
I don't get him off it right away, he becomes enraged with pain, so much so
that he will snap at me if I come near him to try to take it off his paws.
Once I see the sidewalk has it on there, I take him the long way around to
try to avoid it.  As far as the boots - he's one of those Jack Russells who
thinks boots are for sissies.  He won't let me near him with them...

M. M. Harvey, MPP, MPH
Since the original post on this topic, I did probe around and found another suggestion. I haven't tried it yet because most of the salt etc is now gone. But I'll do so the next time.
The suggestion was to wipe some Vaseline on the bottom of their paws before going outside. I was thinking of trying it with something like Vaseline Intensive Care, first, rather than the "petroleum jelly" -- the good and the bad both being that the former is water-soluble. Good because it will make less of a mess on the floors when they're ready to go out and come back in; bad because it may just dissolve off in the snow (although I'm thinking that maybe the low temperature of the snow will make it less soluble).
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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