Factors add up in the courtesy game
        Apparent fragility
        Location directly in front of a house, etc.
might all be taken into consideration.  
But ultimately, here in UC,  it should average out that every driver had
to dig their car out, and probably would have gone back to that space if
it had not already been taken, by another driver who had to dig her car
out, and down the line.

Your husband may be a young, healthy looking guy with no apparent back
Neighbors are not psychics.
A courtesy they might extend to a 70 year old woman may not fall your
And a vehicle as a weapon or threat against a good neighbor is not a
valid display of anger.

I believe that furniture and cans in parking spaces are unsightly and
potential harmful.
A light dusting of snow and the objects become part of the landscape and
sometimes part of a muffler or all of the cause of someone else's trip
and fall.

The truly handicapped should apply to the city for a properly marked
space and the rest of us should take the Subway or our chances.

I say this knowing that I agree with most of Susan's posts and hoping to
stop the "litter" and sense of entitlement that seems to be bred by

All the best!

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:18:42 -0500 "Susan I. Finkelstein"
> What happened to Yvonne Paterson and others concerning violent 
> behavior 
> over parking spots is unacceptable and frightening. Of course! 
> But... after 
> spending more than an hour shoveling out our car, which is parked 
> directly 
> in front of our house, my husband with a sore back, and me with 
> scraped 
> knees from falling down in the process, I would be angry if someone 
> moved a 
> trash can or milk crate or whatever we had placed there so we 
> wouldn't have 
> to go through the same back-breaking event again. Granted the city 
> does 
> "own" the street, but I think an hour of sweat equity does count for 
> something when snow and ice are excessive.
> S.
> At 12:32 PM 1/30/2005 -0500, Andrew Diller wrote:
> >One of my favorite winter pastimes is using my Jeep to drive right 
> over 
> >and crush the various chairs, cones and other trash that the 
> teeming 
> >millions place outside in the vain hope of 'saving' their spots. 
> It's very 
> >fun to crush them with a 4x4.
> >
> >On Jan 29, 2005, at 3:49 PM, Yvonne Paterson wrote:
> >>there were several parking spots available but folks had put trash 
> cans 
> >>and other objects in them to save them.
> >
> >-andy
> Susan I. Finkelstein
> Grants and Development Writer
> University of Pennsylvania
> School of Veterinary Medicine

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