In a message dated 2/17/2005 4:21:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As to the op-ed piece from the Philadelphia Inquirer that I link to here:
>  Scott Walstein, the author,  works for the corporate-backed American
> Enterprise Institute so this is the industry fighting back.

A sweeping statement. I'd like to see your proof for that.
Thanks! I have stopped posting to the list because Ed refused to post a piece I submitted to generate discussion about our City's WiFi and digital divide issues. Apparently, my piece struck a nerve with him. He told me phillyblocks wasn't interested, and I was arrogant.
Our mayor's WiFi task force is not a true municipal task force. It has badly mismanaged legislative initiatives surround this matter, which have been moving along for the past four years. Now Street and Schwartz want the whole State to march to the beat of their drum. No wonder the rest of our Commonwealth has no patience with Philadelphia County.

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