In a message dated 2/17/2005 7:21:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I find all the personal attacks very juvenile, grade schoolish.
It reminds me of my sons, their friends, and their stories.
Some years back, there was Robert Fulgham's- All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Patterning of bad behavior is difficult to stop, especially when there is an acceptable payoff. Personal attacks are very common in the press, higher education, and government. So, people stick with a winning strategy. And if verbal abuse doesn't work, kill'em; also known as asymmetrical warfare by freedom fighters or the Powell Doctrine by the armies of God.
 Of course there is Mr Rogers' way:

Everything I Needed to know 

           I learned in kindergarten....

Share Everything

Play Fair

Don't hit people

Put things back where you found them

Clean up your own mess

Don't take things that aren't yours

Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody

Wash your hands before you eat


Warm cookies and milk are good for you

Live a balanced life

Take a nap every afternoon

When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic,

Hold hands and stick together

Be aware of wonder

All things die....So do we

Based on a work by  Roger Ebsen



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