
I always forget to tell you when i see you at Parkside....the reason i never get to the Taize service is because i spend every Sunday over in Jersey with my grandson....


P.S. The last peace event we had at Clark Park (Candlelight Memorial for 1,000 Dead) was organized by yours truly--and was fairly successful (considering that we had almost zero time to get the word out), but i kinda like the idea of parading down the Parkway with candles (appeals to the exhibitionist in me!!!!!)

On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at 02:35 PM, Joe Clarke wrote:


    Soujourners magazine is calling on people of faith and good will to host a vigil for peace on the 2nd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.  There is one already scheduled for the Art museum (see below), however the one in West Philadelphia at Clark Park was very successful.  If you would be interested in hosting a vigil please follow the link below and perhaps we can organize another one for West Philadelphia.  This list would be a good place to broadcast the plans for it.  Let me know.


Joe Clarke


Dear Joseph,

<image.tiff>Saturday, March 19, 2005, marks the second anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The human and financial costs of war on all sides continue to mount at an alarming pace. In these dire times people of faith are called to raise their voices for peace.
Sojourners invites you to mark this anniversary by organizing a vigil or a memorial service in your hometown on the weekend of March 18-20, 2005.

»Click here to host a vigil

Once you sign up, your event will be listed on Sojourners' Web site and members of your community will be able to locate it by using our easy event-finder. These event invitations will be extended to 500,000 people across the country. For event organizers, we will put you in touch with those who sign up to attend.

Need ideas on how to organize your event? Sojourners has put together a comprehensive toolkit containing ecumenical worship resources, vigil litanies, and ideas for further community action. Download your toolkit by clicking here. Already dozens of individuals and congregations across the country have signed up! We hope to have hundreds - if not thousands - of events across the country. At the beginning of Holy Week (Palm Sunday is March 20, 2005), the entire country, including the media, will be focused on this anniversary. Act now to give it special meaning to it. We hope you will join us.

»Download the toolkit

»Take the first step and sign up to host a vigil


Since March 19, 2003, almost 1,500 U.S. soldiers have been killed in the second Gulf war, as well as tens of thousands of Iraqis. U.S. citizens have suffered on the domestic front, as crucial domestic programs that benefit low-income families have been threatened by the President Bush's proposed budget cuts. The already-ballooning national deficit has swelled to compensate for the cost of war.

Sign up today to organize an anniversary vigil in your region on the weekend of March 18-20, 2005. Click here to download an organizing toolkit that includes ecumenical worship resources, vigil litanies, and ideas for further community action. Your vigil will also be advertised on our Web site, and others from your community will be able to search for vigils in their region.


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