I believe that this is a political document. CATO is a Libertairan group and
one should read it bearing in mind the political positions of CATO.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mar 3, 2005 9:03 AM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] Cato flunks Rendell

Every year, the Cato Institute issues a report card rating governors on their fiscal responsibility. The criteria are a blend of tax and spending policies. Here's the list issued on March 1 covering performance in 2004. It will be no surprise to Pennsylvanians that Ed Rendell got an F. The complete analysis is online at http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=3691
Al Krigman
(Left of Ivan Groznyj)

Senior Class Governors Overall Grades
Governor State Score Grade
Bill Owens (R) Colorado 77 A
Judy Martz (R) Montana 75 A
Jeb Bush (R) Florida 66 B
George Pataki (R) New York 63 B
John Hoeven (R) North Dakota 57 B
Gary Locke (D) Washington 57 B
Rick Perry (R) Texas 55 B
Michael Easley (D) North Carolina 53 C
Dirk Kempthorne (R) Idaho 52 C
Tom Vilsack (D) Iowa 50 C
Mike Johanns (R) Nebraska 49 C
Bob Wise (D) West Virginia 43 D
Ruth Ann Minner (D) Delaware 42 D
Kenny Guinn (R) Nevada 40 D
Mike Huckabee (R) Arkansas 37 D
Bob Holden (D) Missouri 35 F
Bob Taft (R) Ohio 30 F
Freshman Class Governors Midterm Grades
Governor State Score Grade
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) California 84 A
Craig Benson (R) New Hampshire 82 A
Mark Sanford (R) South Carolina 70 B
Tim Pawlenty (R) Minnesota 69 B
Bill Richardson (D) New Mexico 69 B
John Baldacci (D) Maine 68 B
Mike Rounds (R) South Dakota 68 B
Phil Bredesen (D) Tennessee 68 B
Don Carcieri (R) Rhode Island 66 C
James Doyle (D) Wisconsin 66 C
Mitt Romney (R) Massachusetts 66 C
Linda Lingle (R) Hawaii 66 C
Brad Henry (D) Oklahoma 65 C
Robert Ehrlich (R) Maryland 64 C
James Douglas (R) Vermont 64 C
Rod Blagojevich (D) Illinois 59 D
Ted Kulongoski (D) Oregon 58 D
Jennifer Granholm (D) Michigan 58 D
Sonny Perdue (R) Georgia 57 D
Mark Warner (D) Virginia 56 D
Kathleen Sebelius (D) Kansas 53 D
Janet Napolitano (D) Arizona 52 D
Bob Riley (R) Alabama 51 D
Edward Rendell (D) Pennsylvania 48 F
James McGreevey (D) New Jersey 42 F

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