Title: Wanted: exploding trash can
Give John Fenton a call at UCD.  I heard that they were working on a similar device.

Jonathan A. Cass
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kyle Cassidy
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:32 AM
To: University City List
Subject: [UC] Wanted: exploding trash can

Despite my clever security lights, last night someone swiped my only remaining trash can. It's green, it has my address on the side in big white letters. I used to have four, now I have none. True, the last two times it's been stolen I've found it a week later filled with someone elses garbage a block away and had to haul it back to my place filled with construction debris, but it's irritating.

I'd like to replace it with a dummy trash can which will detonate an exploding dye and perfume  bomb if lifted from the ground, covering the thief with a mixture of brightly colored orange paint and a half gallon of Old Spice in the way that banks identify robbers with booby trapped bags of loot. Also, if this were connected to a web-cam I could post photos of the thief for purposes of public ridicule. If anyone knows where I can order one of these anti-personel sanitation devices, let me know.

First the yuppies move in, then they start collecting trash cans, pretty soon they'll be digging up my tulip bulbs.


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